“Lupin” debuted on Netflix on January 8 th and I don’t k now why I waited so long to watch it. It is one of the best series I have watched and I really get into this story. I really adore mystery series , stolen diamonds, whole police work and catching the bad guy. I was fascinating with “Lupin” since I saw the trailer, although I needed to convince myself to the language. I don’t like French (still better than German), but I made a sacrifice and I’m glad I did. I heard mixed reviews from my friends, so I was really curios and intrig u ed. I don’t regret watching, because I liked the main character from the first minute and I hope he will get his happy ending. bigbaddice.pl This series tells the story of Assane Diop, black thief/ cleaner in the Louvre who tries to steal a necklace which belonged to Marie Antoin...